Sep 27, 2024  
Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Academic Catalog 
Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Academic Catalog

4.0 Academic Progress

4.1  Grading

4.2  Report of Grades

4.3  Appealing a Final Grade (PENDING, 4.3.2 Grade Appeal e-form Pat)

4.4  Repeating Courses (PENDING, 4.4.2 Registrar links)

4.5  Record/Roll Books of Attendance and Class Performance

4.6  Academic Standing

4.1 Grading

A grade will be assigned for each credit course in which a student enrolls, in accordance with the following grading system, subject to the conditions listed below:

Grade Numerical Equivalent Quality Points
Per Credit Hours
A 90-100 4
B+ 85-89 3.5
B 80-84 3.0
C+ 75-79 2.5
C 70-74 2.0
D 60-69 1.0
F Below 60 0.0
FN Failure, insufficient attendance 0.0
IF Incomplete that became an F 0.0


Although all faculty are required to follow the grading system described above, faculty has the right to determine the specific evaluative criteria for a course (e.g., quizzes, exams, assignments, etc.) as well as their relative weight toward the final course grade. These grading scenarios may vary by department, from instructor to instructor, and from course to course; however, students have the right to be informed in writing at the first or second class meeting about the content of the course and the criteria for evaluation.

Since many courses include laboratory or clinical components, faculty also has the right to determine the relative weight of a lab or clinical component in calculating the final grade as well as whether or not a student must pass a lab or clinical component in order to receive a passing grade for the course.

For partial or full online courses, faculty may require one or more on-campus examinations, including the final examination. In addition, faculty of either online or on-campus courses are within their rights to specify that passing a final examination is required in order to pass the course.

The following grades do not affect grade point averages:

V Incomplete (must be made up within one regular semester or converts to “IF” at the end of the next full semester)
W Student Initiated Withdrawal (not assigned by the faculty member)
WP Assigned Withdrawal – Passing (Student is passing at the time of withdrawal)
WF Faculty Assigned Withdrawal – Failing (Student is failing at the time of withdrawal)
RC Required Continuation (RC) for zero-credit courses only. Not a passing grade for Financial Aid. (May be given to students in zero-credit courses who have persisted through the course with great effort, completed all required assignments and satisfied course attendance requirements, but did not achieve a passing grade for the course. In addition, this grade may be given to students who have academically performed very well and satisfied course attendance requirements, but did not pass the department exit exam. In both cases, the student is required to retake the course during the following fall/spring semester.)
AU Audit (no credit)
P or F In a course which is graded only “P” (pass) or “F” (fail)
WN Unofficial withdrawal (commenced in Spring 2014)
JY/JN Unofficial withdrawal (discontinued/used through Fall 2013 semester). Posted by Registrar.

4.1.1 Incomplete Grade

An Incomplete or “I” may be assigned when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from completing a course. This grade is NOT a student right and is granted only upon approval of the Instructor, Department Chair and Dean to ensure fairness and consistency in the assignment of this grade.

A student request for an Incomplete will be reviewed only if the following minimum criteria apply:

  1. The course requirement has not been completed for serious and compelling reasons beyond the student’s control (e.g., illness, death in family) for which the student must be able to, upon request, provide clear and complete documentation of the situation from a qualified professional (e.g., physician), AND
  2. There is a reasonable expectation that the student upon completing the missed work can pass the course.

I = Incomplete. The Incomplete grade must be changed to a letter grade according to the schedule below or it will automatically convert to an “IF”:

If an Incomplete Grade is assigned to a: Date of conversion to “IF” is:
Fall Semester or Winter Session course Last Day of Tenth Week of Upcoming Spring Semester
Spring Semester or Summer Session course Last Day of Fourth Week of Upcoming Fall Semester

If an Incomplete Grade is assigned to a: Date of conversion to “IF” is:
Fall Semester or Winter Session course Last Day of Tenth Week of Upcoming Spring Semester
Spring Semester or Summer Session course Last Day of Fourth Week of Upcoming Fall Semester

4.1.2 Incomplete Grade Procedure

The process for the assignment of an Incomplete is as follows:

  1. The student must request an Incomplete from his/her Instructor and provide the Instructor with all necessary information and documentation regarding the extenuating circumstances.
  2. If the above minimum criteria for the assignment of an Incomplete apply, the Instructor will fill out a Request for Incomplete Grade Form (accessible to faculty via MyWCC) so that the request can be further reviewed in consultation with the Department Chair and Dean.
  3. If the request for an Incomplete is approved, the Registrar’s Office will post the grade of “I” on the student record, which will then appear on the final grade roster next to the student’s name. In addition, the Registrar’s Office will notify the student of the “I” grade assignment by sending an email to the student’s MYWCC email address.
  4. If the approval for an Incomplete Grade request is still pending by the time the Instructor is ready to submit his/her final course grades, the Instructor should assign the student a final grade for the course that factors in all missed assignments. If the request for an Incomplete is subsequently approved, this course grade will be changed to an “I” by the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office will notify the student of the “I” grade assignment by sending an email to the student’s MYWCC email address. However, if the request for an Incomplete is denied, this grade will remain as the student’s final course grade.

4.1.3 Mid-Semester Warning

A student whose work is not satisfactory should be so informed by the instructor by mid- semester. An informal conference with the student should be held to discuss the difficulties the student is having, and a plan of action toward satisfactory achievement by the end of the semester should be made. Students in jeopardy of failing the course should be so advised prior to the ninth week of the course to allow the student the option of withdrawal from the course without an “F” grade.

4.1.4 Final Grade Submission

All faculty must comply with deadlines for the submission of final grades. For Fall and Spring semesters, these deadlines will generally be 5 days from the last day of the Final Course Assessment period. For all other sessions the deadline will generally be 72 hours from the last day of the Final Course Assessment period; however, the Academic Calendar may sometimes extend these deadlines to account for holidays. These deadlines are published online in the official Academic Calendar and are communicated to faculty via their WCC email.

If a student does not submit work on time as a result of circumstances out of his or her control, the student may request an Incomplete from the faculty member. In such an event, the Incomplete must be given in accordance with the college’s Incomplete Grade Policy and must not delay the overall grade submission for that course.

4.1.5 Changes in Final Grades

Any grade change made after the original grade has been submitted to the Registrar’s office must be done in the following manner:

  1. Changes should be made within one semester after the end of the semester in which the grade was originally awarded.
  2. A “Request for Change of Final Grade” form, available in the School Dean’s office, must be completed in duplicate by the faculty member and signed by the Department Chair and the School Dean. Grade changes should be made only for significant reasons.
  3. Faculty should not permit students the opportunity to do additional work to improve an assigned grade.
  4. When the grade is recorded in the Registrar’s Office, the duplicate copy is returned to the instructor, to be kept in his/her files. The student is notified of the change of grade by the Registrar’s Office.

In the case of a grade of Incomplete (I), it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to satisfy the course requirements. If a grade of “I” is not changed by the end of the next semester, it automatically becomes an “IF” on the student’s record, and is calculated in his/her cumulative index as an “F” grade.

4.2 Report of Grades

It is college policy to provide all possible assistance to students so that their courses will be successfully completed and their educational goals achieved. Accordingly, instructors must be explicit in presenting course requirements, including attendance policy, especially at the beginning of the term. If the course instructor is not available to assign grades, the Department Chair will appoint a qualified faculty member to administer the grading process.

As soon as grades are posted at the end of each semester, a student can access his or her grades online by visiting This grade report (which can be easily printed by the student) will show the current academic index as well as the cumulative average. The student copy of the grade report cannot be used as an official transcript. In order to receive credit and a grade for a course, a student must register and pay for the course prior to the registration deadline for that semester or summer session.

Students who wish to receive a hard copy of their grade report can do so, at no charge, by contacting the Registrar’s Office either by phone (914-606-6810) or by sending an email to

4.3 Appealing a Final Grade (PENDING 4.3.2 - Gr appeal form)

4.3.1 Policy

Students have the right to discuss their academic progress with the faculty member, or, if necessary, the faculty member’s department chairperson during the semester in which a grade is earned. If, at the conclusion of the semester, a student believes that the final grade is incorrect, the student has the right to pursue a formal appeal of the grade following the procedure below.

4.3.2 Procedures

Note: The student may bring one support person to any or all of the meetings during the appeals process. Prior to the appeal meeting, the student must submit a completed/notarized WCC FERPA Release Form permitting the support person to have access to the student’s records. Click here for information about FERPA.

Step 1: Appeal to the Faculty Member

  1. The student must request a meeting with the faculty member no later than the third week of the fall or spring semester following the term in which the grade was earned. Failure to do so forfeits the appeal. The request must be made via email to the faculty member’s WCC email address. The faculty member is expected to grant this request for a meeting within ten business days of the request. The faculty member and the student shall strive to resolve the problem in person, by telephone, or electronically/virtually.
  2. If the appeal leads the faculty member to identify a calculation error in the assigning of the original grade, the current appeal terminates, and the faculty member will change the grade by the usual process. The student then has the right to appeal the new higher or lower grade.
  3. If an agreement is not reached, or if the faculty member does not respond within 10 business days, the student will complete and submit the electronic Grade Appeal Form found here (create hyperlink when the form is created) to initiate step 2 of the process.

Step 2: Meeting with the Department Chair

  1. The electronic form will be routed via email to the chairperson of the department the course is housed. The chairperson will schedule a meeting (with the student and faculty member) within 10 business days of the date the grade appeal form email was generated.
  2. The chairperson, faculty member, and student shall meet in person, by telephone, or electronically/virtually and will act in a determined manner to address and resolve the appeal. If the appeal is resolved to the student’s satisfaction, and the faculty member agrees to change the grade, then the faculty member will change the grade by the usual process. The chairperson will complete the appropriate section of the electronic Grade Appeal Form and submit it for recording keeping purposes.
  3. If the faculty member and student remain at an impasse AND the student indicates an intention to continue to pursue an appeal, the department chair will complete the appropriate section of the electronic Grade Appeal Form and submit it to initiate Step 3 of the grade appeal process.

Step 3: Meeting with the Dean

  1. The electronic form will be routed via email to the Dean of the department the course is housed. Within ten business days, the dean will investigate the matter, meet with the department chairperson, the faculty member, and the student. This meeting(s) may take place in person, by telephone, or electronically/virtually.
  2. If the appeal is resolved to the student’s satisfaction, and the faculty member agrees to change the grade, then the faculty member will change the grade by the usual process. The dean will complete the appropriate section of the electronic Grade Appeal Form and submit it for recording keeping purposes.
  3. If the faculty member and the student remain at an impasse AND the student indicates an intention to continue to pursue an appeal, the dean will complete the appropriate section of the electronic Grade Appeal Form and submit it to initiate Step 4 of the grade appeal process.

Step 4: Appeal to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

The electronic form will be routed via email to the Provost. After the provost reviews all information concerning the appeal, the provost will determine if the appeal has been sufficiently vetted through Steps 1-3 AND if the final grade should stand. If the provost determines the appeal has been properly vetted and the final grade should stand, then the provost will inform all parties involved in Steps 1-3 in writing as to this finding.

However, if the provost finds irregularities in the appeal process, and/or determines that the appeal still has merit, and the student and faculty member are still at an impasse, then the provost will meet with tenured members of the department to discuss a possible resolution as soon as possible. This meeting can take place in person, by telephone, or electronically/virtually and must include at least two members of the department (excluding the faculty member involved in the appeal and the department chair). The provost may ask the department chairperson to assist in identifying at least two tenured faculty members. After the meeting, the provost will notify all parties (involved in steps 1- 4) in writing of the final outcome of the appeal. The provost will also communicate with the registrar’s office if a change of grade is needed.

In all cases, the provost will complete the appropriate section of the electronic Grade Appeal Form and submit it for recording keeping purposes.

4.4 Repeating Courses (PENDING 4.4.2 - Links from Registrar)

4.4.1 Repeating Courses Policy

Repeating a course in which a grade of D, F, FN, IF, RC, W, WP, or WF was received:
On a one-time basis, students may repeat courses they have completed with a grade of D, F, FN, IF, RC, W, WP, or WF. If a course has been repeated once (i.e., taken twice), a registration block will prevent the student from registering for the same course again. To make a request for a further repeat, please follow the procedure on the below chart. Certain health science and field experience courses cannot be repeated.

Repeating a course in which a grade of C or better was received:
Students who request to repeat a course in which a grade of C or better was received must seek approval from a counselor.

When two or more grades exist for the same course, all grades will remain on the transcript; however, only the highest grade will be used to calculate the cumulative grade point average. Students applying for transfer should be aware that it is sometimes the policy of four-year colleges to recalculate an applicant’s GPA using all grades earned.

Repeating a course previously passed may jeopardize financial aid eligibility. Prior to repeating a course, financial aid recipients are urged to consult with a financial aid counselor to determine if current or future financial aid may be negatively affected. See Financial Aid, Pursuit and Progress Standards and general Financial Aid Guidelines.

4.4.2 Repeating Courses Procedure

If student is requesting to take: Student must: Permission Conditions:
A zero-credit developmental course with a grade of D, F, FN, IF, RC, W, WP, or WF for the third time Complete the Repeat Course Request Form – Zero-Credit Course: meet with a Counselor. Permission is given if the student can demonstrate that the circumstances which caused him/her to be unsuccessful previously have been addressed.
A zero-credit developmental course with a grade of D, F, FN, IF, RC, W, WP, or WF for the fourth time Complete the Repeat Course Request Form – Zero-Credit Course: and meet with a Counselor. Permission is rarely given and is only reserved for cases in which truly extenuating circumstances were involved and have now been removed.
A credit course with a grade of D, F, FN, IF, W, WP, or WF for the third time Complete the Repeat Course Request Form - Credit Course meet with the Chairperson of the department in which the course is given, Curriculum Chair, Dean or a Counselor. Permission is given if the student can demonstrate that the circumstances which caused him/her to be unsuccessful previously have been addressed. If request is approved, the student must submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office or Extension Center where his/her account hold will be removed and the student will be able to register for the course.
A credit course with a grade of D, F, FN, IF, W, WP, or WF for the fourth time Complete the Repeat Course Request Form - Credit Course and meet with the Chairperson of the department in which the course is given, Curriculum Chair, Dean or a Counselor. Permission is rarely given and is only reserved for cases in which truly extenuating circumstances were involved and have now been removed. If request is approved, the student must submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office or Extension Center where his/her account hold will be removed and the student will be able to register for the course.
Any course with a grade of C or better for the second, third or fourth time Meet with a Counselor. Permission is given if the student can demonstrate a clear benefit exists by repeating the course that outweighs the delay to degree completion.
Any course a fifth time Request will not be considered. Permission will not be given.

Approved by SUNY WCC Cabinet, July 25, 2016.

4.5 Record/Roll Books of Attendance and Class Performance

State aid for the College and financial aid for the individual student (where satisfactory attendance is a criterion) are based upon the attendance information recorded by faculty throughout the semester or attendance rosters available in PeopleSoft and processed by the Registrar’s Office. It is the policy of the College that faculty retain their record/roll books for a least six years. Faculty should arrange with the department chair to have record/roll books or copies stored in the department office.

Records Retention and Disposition: Public Community Colleges, Schedule CC-1 from SUNY states that “final examinations must be kept for one year and final examination questions must be kept for ten years.”

4.6 Academic Standing

Students are expected to make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree and maintain appropriate academic scholastic standards. Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be required to meet with a designated counselor before registering for the next semester in order to help them improve their academic performance.

4.6.1 Scholastic Standards

3.75-4.0 President’s List (semester average – must be enrolled as a student with 12 or more credits) and “Graduation with Highest Distinction” (cumulative average)
3.50-3.74 Dean’s List (semester average – must be enrolled as a student with 12 or more credits) and “Graduation with Highest Distinction” (cumulative average)
2.0 Cumulative grade point average required for graduation
1.75 If the student has attempted 48 credits or more his/her cumulative index must be 1.75 or above
1.50 If the student has attempted 32 to 47 credits, his/her cumulative index must be 1.50 or above
1.00 If the student has attempted 12 to 31 credits, his/her cumulative index must be 1.00 or above

4.6.2 Students Not Meeting Scholastic Standards

If a student does not meet the College’s scholastic standards, the student’s academic status will be changed according to the table below. Financial aid standards are governed differently because all courses attempted, including developmental and transfer credits, are counted to determine financial aid eligibility.

Academic Status of Students Not Meeting Scholastic Standards

Academic Credits
Cumulative GPA Last Semester
of Attendance GPA
Academic Status
0-31 Less than 2.00 Any Academic Probation
32-47 Less than 2.00 2.00 and greater Academic Probation
32-47 Less than 2.00 Less than 2.00 Academic Restriction
48+ Less than 2.00 2.00 and greater Academic Probation
48+ Less than 2.00 Less than 2.00 (first time in this category) Academic Restriction
48+ Less than 2.00 Less than 2.00 (second time in this category) Academic Dismissal

4.6.3 Academic Probation

A student on academic probation may take no more than 14 charged credits per semester, as approved by a counselor. Counseling is mandated for all students on academic probation.

4.6.4 Academic Restriction

A student on academic restriction may take no more than 8 charged credits per semester, as approved by a counselor and/or curriculum chair. Counseling is mandated for all students on academic restriction.

4.6.5 Academic Dismissal

A student who is academically dismissed may not attend classes at Westchester Community College until the student petitions for reinstatement from academic dismissal and his/her Re-entry Application is approved. Students will be limited to 8 charged credits upon re-entry. Students returning after 3 or more years may be eligible for the Fresh Start Program.

4.6.6 Petition for Reinstatement from Academic Dismissal

A student is encouraged to apply for reinstatement to the College only after the circumstances that caused him/her to be academically dismissed have been addressed.A student who is reinstated to the College

  1. will be reinstated as a non-matriculated student, and as such, will not be eligible for financial aid,
  2. can only re-enter at the start of a regular fall or spring semester, and
  3. will automatically be placed on academic restriction, and as such, will be limited to 8 charged credits.

To petition for reinstatement from academic dismissal, the application process is as follows:

  1. Complete the Petition for Reinstatement from Academic Dismissal to Academic Restriction form. The application must be filed at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the regular fall or spring semester.
  2. Submit any transcripts from other colleges attended in the interim.
  3. Make an appointment with the Curriculum Chair of the desired the program of study you seek to enter or re-enter.
  4. Make an appointment with the Dean (or Dean’s designee) of the School that houses the program of study. The application and information will be evaluated by the School Dean (or designee). If the application for re-entry is approved, the student will be reinstated as a non-matriculated student on academic restriction.

To be reinstated as a matriculated student, a student must have a semester GPA of 2.0 and have a minimum status of academic probation. Reinstatement to matriculated status does not automatically mean financial aid reinstatement, since financial aid eligibility is governed by separate standards.

Reinstatement to matriculated status does not automatically mean reinstatement into a student’s former curriculum, since reinstatement or entry into certain curricula requires the permission of the Curriculum Chair. Curricula that require special permission from the Curriculum Chair include, but are not limited to, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Radiologic Technology, Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management, Veterinary Technology, and Human Services.