Sep 27, 2024  
Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Academic Catalog 
Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Academic Catalog

5.0 Graduating

5.1  Graduating

5.2  Valedictorian and Salutatorian

5.3  Posthumous Conferral of Degree or Certificate

5.4  Additional Degree or Certificate

5.1  Graduating

5.1.1  Graduation Requirements

Requirements for the Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.), and Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees, and all certificate programs are as stated in the appropriate curriculum descriptions (See Programs of Study).

The minimum cumulative grade point average required for graduation is 2.0.

Students who have completed four or more honors courses will be designated as Honors Program Graduates.

All students are responsible for communicating their anticipated graduation date to their Curriculum Chairperson and for submitting an Application for Graduation Form to the Registrar’s Office during the January prior to May graduation. Students expecting to complete their degree requirements in December must do this by November of their final Fall Semester. The student is responsible for ensuring that all graduation requirements have been met. If graduation requirements are not successfully completed by the deadline, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Registrar’s Office to change the Application for Graduation to indicate a new anticipated date of graduation. Under no circumstances can a degree be conferred retroactively.

5.1.2  Graduation Honors and Distinctions

  • Graduation with Distinction. Graduation recognition for students with a cumulative average of 3.50-3.74.
  • Graduation with Highest Distinction. Graduation recognition for students with a cumulative average of 3.75 or higher.
  • Honors Program Graduate, a student who:
    1. is graduating from the college with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
    2. has successfully completed a minimum of four Honors courses
    3. has a minimum GPA for all Honors courses of 3.5

5.2  Valedictorian and Salutatorian

Students graduating from a degree program at Westchester Community College (WCC) are eligible for consideration as valedictorian or salutatorian if they have completed 45 credits or more at WCC. Among the eligible students, the student with the highest cumulative GPA will be honored with the designation of valedictorian and the student with the second highest cumulative GPA will be honored with the designation of salutatorian. Rankings will be determined at the application deadline for May graduation. The valedictorian will write and deliver a formal address to fellow students, faculty and guests at commencement.

In the case of identical cumulative GPA’s, candidates will be invited to complete the valedictorian application. The applications will be reviewed by the valedictorian/salutatorian selection committee, appointed each February by the presiding officer of the faculty senate and comprised of five faculty senators, one from each of the five academic schools of the college.

The application asks each candidate to list three faculty references and to compose a personal statement. The applicant with the highest ranking based upon the strength of his/her faculty evaluations for academic excellence will be selected as valedictorian and the runner-up will be selected as salutatorian. In the event of a further tie, the selection will be based upon the evaluation of the personal statement.

All applicants will receive notification informing them of the committee’s decision. However, the College reserves the right to rescind the designation of valedictorian or salutatorian if the student’s final semester grades deviate from his/her original ranking.

Approved by SUNY WCC Cabinet, May 15, 2023

5.3  Posthumous Conferral of Degree or Certificate

A Posthumous Degree or Certificate is a degree or certificate conferred by Westchester Community College to a deceased student.

This degree would recognize the efforts of the student as well as be a source of solace to the student’s family.

5.3.1  Policy

Westchester Community College recognizes a student’s work by conferring a degree or certificate posthumously to the family of a deceased student. The student must have been enrolled in the College and have been in good standing at the time of death. Upon the recommendation of the student’s Curriculum Chair, the College may award a posthumous degree or certificate if the student completed at least 75% of the credit hour requirements for said degree or certificate at the time of death.

5.3.2  Procedure

The Curriculum Chair initiates the process for a posthumous degree or certificate. A recommendation along with verification of the student’s academic standing and degree or certificate progress is made to the School Dean and then to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. The recommendation is made to the President for final approval.

Degree/Certificate Conferral:
The Vice President and Dean of Dean of Student Access, Involvement, and Success works with the family to determine the best way to honor the student without any discomfort to the family. If it is decided that the degree/certificate will be conferred at commencement, then the student’s name will be listed in the commencement program where it would have been if the student had been present. There will be an annotation that the degree/certificate was conferred posthumously and the student’s record will be similarly annotated. A family member will receive the posthumous degree/certificate at commencement.

5.4  Additional Degree or Certificate

A matriculated student who is admitted for an additional degree at Westchester Community College is required to complete, in addition to all specific course requirements, a minimum of 15 additional credits at the college encompassing the required courses for the additional degree.

Matriculated students for an additional certificate, or a certificate in a different discipline area from the Associate degree, must complete an additional number of credits equal to at least one-half the requirements of that certificate at the college. Such credits must encompass the required courses for the certificate.

A student who has successfully completed a certificate may apply those credits earned, where appropriate, to fulfill the requirements or electives in an Associate degree program.