Feb 15, 2025
Fall 2014 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
FOODS 111 - Principles of Food Preparation 2 credits
The scientific principles underlying correct handling and preparation of fruits, beverages, vegetables, salads, salad dressings, eggs and egg products, meat, poultry, fish, cereals, flour, starch, and baked products.
Class Hours: 2 Corequisite: FOODS 112 Principles of Food Preparation Lab or departmental permission. Prerequisites: FOODS 101 Exploring Culinary Arts is required as a prerequisite only for those students who place into READ 93 Foundations of College Reading , ENG 91 Writing for College 1 , ESL 94 Introduction to Academic Writing 1 , or MATH 92 Prealgebra on placement exams. Otherwise there is no prerequisite. Offered fall and spring semesters.