Jan 04, 2025
Fall 2014 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSYCH 101 - General Psychology 3 behavioral science credits
This course is an introduction to psychology as a behavioral science. Topics include the theoretical perspectives of psychology, research methodology, the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, learning and memory. While primarily a lecture and a discussion course, other pedagogical methods such as case studies, student projects, films, and on-line exercises may be used to develop a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior. Designed for students who meet the college’s requirements for enrollment in first-year undergraduate courses who want an introduction to psychology.
Class Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Students must have at least one of the following: A score of 8 or higher on the ESSAY portion of the placement test. Or received a passing grade in either ENG 92 - Writing for College 2 or ESL 122 - Introduction to Academic Writing 2 . Or have a Pre- or Corequisite of ENG 101 - Writing and Research or ENG 101H - Writing and Research - Honors .