Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: Spring 2017 Course Catalog Program: Fashion Merchandising A.A.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Fashion Merchandising A.A.S.

School: Business and Professional Careers
Academic Dept: Professiona Careers
HEGIS: 5004
Curriculum Chair: Karen Schlusberg
Office: GTW-313
Telephone: 914-606-5632


Important Note about Program Requirements

The requirements listed below are for students entering into this program in Spring 2017. Students who entered the program during a prior semester will find their specific requirements listed in the Catalog under which they entered. Archived Catalogs are accessible through the dropdown menu above.

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree Defined

The purpose of the A.A.S. is to be fully trained for immediate employment upon graduation. Students who opt to continue on to pursue higher levels of education are encouraged to check with the receiving institution regarding transferability of credits. Click to learn more about the differences among award types.

Program Description

Students who love style, have an interest in merchandising, or a desire to work in textiles and fashion marketing, will find a variety of career opportunities in the dynamic, creative, and challenging world of fashion. The Fashion Merchandising program, combines fashion studies with business courses, will prepare students for positions in resident buying offices, fashion manufacturers, designers’ showrooms, retail stores, fashion publications, and other firms associated with the fashion industry. After graduation, students may either begin their careers or may choose to transfer to bachelor’s degree programs in colleges which offer Fashion Merchandising degrees, such as the upper division of the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Berkeley College, or The Laboratory Institute of Merchandising (LIM) and other four-year colleges which offer fashion-related degrees.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, a student will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the origin of the fashion industry and application of this knowledge to strategic decisions and long-term growth goals.
  2. Demonstrate skills in the marketing of fashion & style.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the profitability of fashion merchandising/buying.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the technology of fashion.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of visual merchandising.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental textiles material of fashion industry.

Related Pages

Visit the Westchester Community College Fashion Website.

Program Requirements

General Education Requirements - 29 Credits

Students are required to fulfill a certain number of credits within the specific categories shown below. Where specific courses are not listed within these categories, courses must be selected from the list of SUNY General Education Courses.

Basic Communication (6 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 101 - Writing and Research
COMM 109 - Speech Communication

Humanities (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG 102 - Writing and Literature

Mathematics (7 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 130 - College Algebra: Functions & Models
MATH 140 - Statistics

Natural Sciences (4 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIOL 101 - Principles of Biological Science (and Lab)

Social Sciences (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ECON 101 - Macroeconomics

The Arts (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ART 101 - Drawing 1

Western Civilization (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HIS 101 - Western Civilization to 1648

Degree Requirements - 34 Credits

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ACC 119 - Financial Accounting
CIS 110 - Computer Information Systems
FASH 105 - Introduction to the Fashion Industry
FASH 115 - Fashion Design Technology
FASH 205 - Textiles in the Global Marketplace
FASH 206 - Visual Merchandising and Display
FASH 207 - Retail and Fashion Internship OR a Fashion Elective (3 credits, see options below)
FASH 215 - International Fashion Buying
MGT 101 - Business Organization and Management
MKT 101 - Marketing
MKT 203 - Advertising

Fashion Electives

These courses are acceptable substitutions for FASH 207. 

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
FASH 120 - Garment Construction
FASH 220 - Apparel and Design 1
FASH 230 - Fashion Illustration Techniques
FASH 231 - Fashion Product Development

Minimum Total Credits - 63 Credits

Educational Plan: The Educational Plan is an advisement tool that provides important information to students about how to complete this degree. Click here to Download the Educational Plan.

Career Path Opportunities

Are you wondering what careers you can explore with a degree or certificate? Perhaps you are not sure what people do or how much money they make in certain careers that pique your interest? Would you like to know how many jobs are predicted to be available in a particular industry? Or maybe you are unsure whether receiving a degree or certificate would be right for you? Go to to explore career paths, their associated job descriptions, salary trends, and jobs trends. Complete a career assessment for additional guidance. Still not sure? Visit for more career resources and contacts.

Transfer Opportunities

Westchester Community College is committed to facilitating a smooth transfer process for its incoming and graduating students. To ensure its graduates enjoy a seamless transfer with junior status to another college in the same discipline at both institutions (transferred from/to) and are able to complete a bachelor’s degree within two years of full-time study upon transfer, Westchester Community College has signed Transfer Articulation Agreements with many colleges that offer bachelor’s degree programs. Visit to see a list of Articulation Agreements by institution or search by a specific program of study. Visit for additional transfer resources and contacts.

Transfer Scholarship Opportunities

Many colleges and universities are eager to have Westchester Community College graduates transfer to their institutions. Consider this an incentive to complete your WCC degrees with high honors!  Go to to view the many transfer scholarship opportunities to four-year colleges.

Getting Started

Are you a prospective Westchester Community College graduate? We look forward to seeing you soon! Apply today, then see the College’s Admissions and Enrollment Checklist.

