Feb 12, 2025
Spring 2017 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Direct Care Practice Certificate
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School: Business and Professional Careers
Academic Dept: Professional Careers
HEGIS: 5501
Curriculum Chair: Prof. Helen O’Brien
Tel: 914-606-8520
Email: Helen.Obrien@sunywcc.edu
Important Note about Program Requirements
The requirements listed below are for students entering into this program in Spring 2017. Students who entered the program during a prior semester will find their specific requirements listed in the Catalog under which they entered. Archived Catalogs are accessible through the dropdown menu above.
Certificates Defined
Certificate programs are designed to provide a mix of theory and practical training leading to immediate employment upon completion. People who pursue certificates might have an advanced degree and typically want to learn new skills and acquire knowledge. Others might enroll in a certificate program to “test the waters,” with an eye toward pursuing an associate’s degree. Credits earned now in a credit-bearing certificate will apply later toward an associate’s degree at Westchester Community College. Click to learn more about the differences among the award types .
Program Description
The certificate in Direct Care Practice is especially useful for those employed in the human services who wish to upgrade their skills and marketability. It is also designed to meet the needs of those who have a degree in another discipline but wish to seek employment, make a career change, or volunteer in human service agencies and organizations. Opportunities for social and human service workers are expected to be excellent and are projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations up to the year 2020, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Employment opportunities are available in numerous human service environments. These include but are not limited to: child-care agencies, group homes, shelters, sheltered workshops, hospitals, services to the aging, clinics, and community mental health centers. The cornerstone of this certificate program is its emphasis on case management. The certificate in Direct Care Practice includes courses and fieldwork (available in over 100 agencies and schools) where students learn to apply their knowledge and skills to actual work situations. Those who complete the certificate and decide to continue their studies may transfer completed course credits into the college’s A.A.S. degree program in Human Services. Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, a student will: - Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical knowledge base necessary for employment as a human service professional.
- Demonstrate the ability to apply the major values and ethics of the human service profession.
- Demonstrate the human service practice skills necessary for work with individuals, families, and groups.
- Demonstrate the ability to function effectively in entry-level positions in human service agencies.
The following courses must be taken together:
The following courses must be taken together:
Minimum Total Credits - 25
Educational Plan: The Educational Plan is an advisement tool that provides important information to students about how to complete this degree. Click here to Download the Educational Plan . Career Path Opportunities
Are you wondering what careers you can explore with a degree or certificate? Perhaps you are not sure what people do or how much money they make in certain careers that pique your interest? Would you like to know how many jobs are predicted to be available in a particular industry? Or maybe you are unsure whether receiving a degree or certificate would be right for you? Go to https://sunywcc.emsicareercoach.com to explore career paths, their associated job descriptions, salary trends, and jobs trends. Complete a career assessment for additional guidance. Still not sure? Visit www.sunywcc.edu/career for more career resources and contacts.
Getting Started
Are you a prospective Westchester Community College graduate? We look forward to seeing you soon! Apply today, then see the College’s Admissions and Enrollment Checklist.  |
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