Feb 14, 2025
Fall 2020 - Summer 2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Early Childhood A.A.S.
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School: Business and Professional Careers
Academic Dept: Education
HEGIS: 5503
Important Note about Program Requirements
The requirements listed below are for students entering into this program from Fall 2020 to Summer 2021. Students who entered the program during a prior semester will find their specific requirements listed in the Catalog under which they entered. Archived Catalogs are accessible through the dropdown menu above.
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree Defined
The purpose of the A.A.S. is to be fully trained for immediate employment upon graduation. Students who opt to continue on to pursue higher levels of education are encouraged to check with the receiving institution regarding transferability of credits. Click to learn more about the differences among award types.
Students are encouraged to apply early due to an extraordinary demand.
Program Description
The Early Childhood program prepares competent and thoughtful professionals for a career in a variety of school settings. Opportunities include positions in Pre-k through second grade in public schools, Head Start programs, child care centers (birth through five year olds), and nursery schools. Early Childhood seminar style classes and supervised Field Experiences help students translate theory into practice. The curriculum is based upon the most current research in the field and is designed to emphasize knowledge of children through observation, description, and reflection. Faculty support students in developing their understanding through course work that encourages students to examine effective environments that nurture a sense of social justice, curiosity and discovery in children. This foundation of practice enables students to become reflective teachers who are ready to meet the diverse needs of children and families in today’s society. Students leave the program with a solid philosophy and experiences upon which to reflect and build. Core Liberal Arts courses expand students’ understanding and knowledge and provide a solid foundation for those who plan to further their education in baccalaureate programs and become certified public school teachers, as well as those who seek employment in the field upon completion of the program. Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, a student will: - Demonstrate the ability to build a philosophy of teaching, based on valuing children’s strengths and ways of knowing, to guide daily practice and inform curriculum choices.
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to support each child’s strengths and ways of knowing in early childhood settings.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize the diverse and complex characteristics of children’s families and communities as a foundation for building relationships with them in early childhood settings.
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in early childhood settings.
- Demonstrate competency and broad foundational knowledge in the general education curriculum as required by Westchester Community College.
General Education Requirements - 31 Credits
Students are required to fulfill a certain number of credits within the specific categories shown below. Where specific courses are not listed within these categories, courses must be selected from the list of SUNY General Education Courses . Basic Communication (3 credits)
Natural Sciences (4 credits)
Social Sciences (6 credits)
Foreign Language (6 credits)
Select TWO courses in the same language: American History (3 credits)
Degree Requirements - 32 Credits
Degree Requirement Note(s)
Early Childhood A.A.S. students may take only one field related course per semester. Minimum Total Credits - 63
Career Path Opportunities
Are you wondering what careers you can explore with a degree or certificate? Perhaps you are not sure what people do or how much money they make in certain careers that pique your interest? Would you like to know how many jobs are predicted to be available in a particular industry? Or maybe you are unsure whether receiving a degree or certificate would be right for you? Go to https://sunywcc.emsicareercoach.com to explore career paths, their associated job descriptions, salary trends, and jobs trends. Complete a career assessment for additional guidance. Still not sure? Visit www.sunywcc.edu/career for more career resources and contacts.
Transfer Opportunities
Transfer Agreements Westchester Community College is committed to facilitating a smooth transfer process to ensure that graduates of the college are prepared to transfer with junior status, and are able to complete a bachelor’s degree within two years of full-time study upon transfer. View 4-year institutions’ transfer agreement information by program here. Getting Started
Are you a prospective Westchester Community College graduate? We look forward to seeing you soon! Apply today, then see the College’s Admissions and Enrollment Checklist.  |
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