Division: Business, Behavioral/Social Science, Public and Human Services
Academic Dept: Business
Curriculum Chair: Prof. John Christesen
Tel: 914-606-6877
The Certificate Program for Small Business Entrepreneurship is designed for individuals interested in starting or maintaining a small business. Completing this certificate will help the small business entrepreneur maximize the skills and abilities necessary to do business in our complex environment.
The courses selected will provide the entrepreneur with the basic business foundation necessary to compete in today’s world. In New York State alone, small business employs more than half of the private sector work force and accounts for 99% of new business creation.*
This certificate provides entrepreneurship instruction across the curriculum in Management, Marketing, Communications, Computing, Accounting and Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management. Students can apply all 25 credits to the Business Administration A.A.S. degree program or to the Marketing A.A.S. degree program.
This program is for the student interested in a business sampler and the entrepreneur looking to manage business in the 21st century.
* NYS Empire State Development 2004