Feb 10, 2025  
Fall 2015 Course Catalog 
Fall 2015 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fall 2015 Course Catalog

About the College Catalog

Welcome to Westchester Community College’s College Catalog. The main function of the catalog is to establish, at a specific moment in time, the requirements and course information necessary to complete a degree at Westchester Community College. In addition, overall college-wide information is available in the catalog, including but not limited to admissions, policies, procedures, and services for students.

Navigating the Catalog

In the left column there is a menu of options to choose from, including a “search bar” feature. In addition, the “Advanced Search” option is very useful to search for particular keywords or phrases throughout the College Catalog or within specific sections, such as Courses, Programs, Departments, or Policies and Other Non-Academic Content. The left column is a stationary menu allowing the user to easily navigate among the various Catalog sections.

Which Catalog Do I Follow?

First and foremost, students must follow the Program of Study according to the semester/year they entered a particular program. Because students’ program requirements are locked-in based on the year and semester that they enroll in a program, it is important that students return to the correct Catalog edition when reviewing their progress.

Archived Catalog Editions

To access prior College Catalogs, use the drop-down menu found at the top right corner all Catalog pages. This menu provides access to Catalogs dating back to Fall 2009. Catalogs pre-dating Fall 2009 are accessible at the college library located on our main campus in Valhalla.

The College Catalog vs. The College Web Site — Where to Go for What?

Both the College Catalog and the college website contain information on a variety of subjects. In general, the best place to start a search for general information is the college’s website, www.sunywcc.edu. Using the horizontal navigation system on the college’s website, students can find most everything they need. Where appropriate, certain requests will automatically link visitors into, and out of, the Catalog. The horizontal navigation bar at the very top of the page can be used to return to the college website.

A Note About Accessibility

The digital College Catalog is a replacement of the printed Course Catalog. Students are encouraged to access Catalog information online as needed, printing from it only when truly necessary. Academic counselors will print relevant excerpts for students during counseling visits. Students unable to access Catalog information online may contact the Registrar’s Office at 914-606-6810 or the Counseling Office at 914-606-6572 for further assistance.